Danny - combinations



People and Places

Danny Cuming led this very interesting portrait project. The idea was to combine the figure, from in the studio with an outside scene to create a new image. in this way we could vastly expand what is possible in a portrait. The first step is to gather reference material from both the figure and the external site chosen, with drawings, colour sketches, written notes and, if need be, photographs. Secondly, to make up some small thumbnails until an overall composition is finalised. Thirdly, in my case I did a full combined drawing. Finally, to go ahead with the painting. There are several key elements to making the two work together, notably scale, eye line, reflections and lighting.

I really enjoyed this project and plan do more of this type of thing. In my case, I used the station at St Pancras international, but several different parts of it to create one image. Stations have strong and ambiguous ideas surrounding them, meetings, partings, and just going through. They are ideal for looking at the contrast between the organic human form and the manufactured and linear environment of the modern world.

